Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 29

Hi everyone! We took the gestational diabetes test, and we found out that we passed it! We are very excited about that good news. Sean also found some Rock and Roll Lullaby's. These lullaby's are current bands that Sean and I listen too. Brayden started listening to these this week at night. They seem to put him to sleep hopefully this will transfer over when he is out of my belly. We also found a dresser for Brayden's nursery. It is a guitar amp. On Saturday we went to a big farmer's market, where we got some fresh fruits and vegetables. Brayden seems to really like fruits and vegetables. Hopefully this will continue once he is able to eat solid foods. We also would like to thank everyone for their love, support, and prayers. As we continue down this fun road, we are very thankful for our family and friends like you guys.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week 28

Welcome to the online home of Sean, Tia, & Brayden James Coffee! That's right, you read that correctly... my name really is Sean Coffee (just kidding). We would like you all to know that our son's name shall be Bradan James Coffee.