Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Grandparents are a blessing! I am so grateful for everything Brayden's grandparents do for us! We met my parents in Roanoke, VA this past Saturday to drop Brayden off. He is spending time with my parents and Sean's parents until we get up there on Thursday. I am sure he is getting spoiled rotten, but I would not have it any other way.
I love watching Brayden interact with his grandparents. The way his face lights up when he sees them. The fact that they love him so much. I am so grateful to know that he is loved so much by us and his grandparents. They are one of a kind.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Looong Time!

This picture was taken of Brayden last December. It is hard to believe how much has changed. He is a awesome child and I feel so blessed God chose us as his parents. Wow it has been forever since I have blogged! It is so hard to believe in a few short days it will be Christmas. Brayden is changing every day! Sean and I met my parents yesterday in Roanoke, VA. We dropped off Brayden with them. They took him back to Leesburg with them where he will stay until Sean and I go up on Thursday. My Aunt and Uncle are also going to be up there Monday night, so Brayden will be surrounded by a lot of family. I am sure being spoiled everyday. I will do better about blogging in the upcoming year.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Urgent Care

After talking to my parents and my husband last night; we decided I should go to Urgent Care. Sean and I went this morning as soon as they opened. They are under the impression that it is a sprain; however due to the knee being swollen and the inflamation. There are unsure if their is any ligament damage because urgent care does not have an MRI machine. The doctor told me by the end of the week if I feel like it is locking alot or unstable I should have it checked out further. We will see what the future brings.
It was funny this morning when Sean brought Brayden down stairs. They turned the corner and he saw me his face just light up. Those are such precious moments. Ones that I will treasure for ever.
Please keep my mom in your prayers! She is going for her scan today, and we will get the results on Friday. This scan is to see if the cancer has spread. However if it has not spread she will get a 2 -3 week chemo break; which is something we are all hoping for.
My wonderful husband is working from home today, so he can take care me. He has been so sweet the past two days with all this happening. I am so lucky, and I truly appreciate all that he has done for me. I love him dearly.
I hope everyone has a blessed Monday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What a day...

This morning Sean was ready for church. I had gotten ready for church. Brayden and I went upstairs to get him ready for church. I dressed him, brushed his teeth, and brushed his hair. We were ready to head back downstairs, so down the stairs we go. When I hit the third step, I don't know what happened but I fell. I was carrying Brayden down the steps, but he was not hurt at all. Thank goodness! I landed on my knees like I was in the praying position. My left knee hit first. Needless to say I did not make it to church. My knee is sore. I have not had it checked out yet, because I am not sure if I need to. If it is just a sprain there is nothing they can do, so at this point I am not sure what I am going to do. Hopefully it will all work out.
On a good note, I can't believe my baby is going to turn 2 in less then two weeks. A week from Wednesday Sean's parents are coming into town, which will be fun. Then my parents and my brother are coming in on Friday. The big party will be two weeks from yesterday. The time has passed by so quickly.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our weekend

We got to have a relaxing weekend after a long week. School started this week; however the students don't come until this upcoming Wednesday. It was nice to hang out at home and be in our P.J's most of the weekend.

Brayden loves to sit in Daddy's car. He really enjoys it because he likes to watch the pictures on his dad's computer. Sean came in and asked Brayden if he could sit there. Brayden shook his head no, so Sean sat behind him. It was hilarious.

Well what is this car seat missing...yes you are right the cover. Yesterday Daddy, Brayden and I went to the grocery store. On the way home Brayden started crying really hard for a few minutes than all of the sudden Brayden threw up everywhere, and to make matters worse we were in Sean's car. Sean and I were in shock. We were not sure exactly what to do. We were about 5 minutes from our house. When we got home, I took Brayden straight to the bathroom. Then I cleaned the car seat while Sean cleaned his car. Brayden is doing much better tonight, and is fast asleep in his crib.

Here is a picture of my 2 favorite men! I love these guys so much. They bring so much happiness to my life. They were both taking a nap!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Park

Tonight after dinner we took Brayden to the park. He had so much fun. When we firt took Brayden to the park, he would just run around. Now he is starting to play on the equipment. He is growing up so quickly to fast if you ask me.

These are one of those domes you can see through.

Here is Daddy and Brayden sliding. Brayden would not slide by himself, so Daddy helped him out. He would hold on to Brayden and pull him down. Then Brayden would giggle.

Smile Brayden!! We hope everyone had a great weekend. We know we did. Next weekend we have family coming into town, which is always fun.
The Coffee's

Friday, August 6, 2010

$1.00 Happy Meals

Today Brayden and I had a very fun and exciting day! Tonight Daddy had to help out at the church, and while Brayden and I were out running errands we saw a sign. The Ronald show today at 6:30pm then on the other side of the sign it said Happy Meals $1.00. Brayden and I thought we hit jackpot and meal and a show under $2.00.

I think this was one of Brayden's favorite part of the show when Ronald McDonald juggled. He thought it was so cool. He kept point and smiling really big.

Since it was $1.00 Happy Meal, it was a little crowded. Brayden go to sit in the seat next to me. He thought he was so pick. He ate 2 chicken nuggets, which is AWESOME for Brayden. Of course he had to have a few fries.

He loved sitting on the bench. Brayden kept smiling and waving Hey to everybody who walked by us or would look over.

Today we also went to Lowe's. Mommy had to get some nails for a project that she was working in. He loves the carts where they are like a car or racecar.

This was yesterday morning when Brayden was rocking out with his guitar just like his daddy. He LOVES anything that plays music. Well we hope everyone has a nice weekend. Tomorrow is VBS at our church, so we will be there most of the day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It has been a long time!

First I want to apologize it has been way to long since I have blogged. I started this blog to keep memories that our family makes each day. I have not done a good job of that. Well it is time for a change, and today seems like a good day to start. However so much has happened over the summer. Brayden and I spent six weeks in Viriginia with my parents. It was a lot of fun and good times were had by all except probably my husband. I am very thankful he let me spend that time with my parents, but I know it was extremely hard on him being away from his son. I truly appreciate the sacrifice he gave up for me.

Well we recently got pictures of Brayden that one of my childhood friends took of him, so I wanted to share some of them with you.

Brayden loves it when daddy pulls out his guitar and plays. Daddy let Brayden hold his guitar to get some cute photographs. Hopefully he will like music as much as his Daddy does. He is on the right path with all our music toys.

He is always smiling it is rare to see him not smiling. I love that smile. It make the worst day melt away in minutes.

This is Brayden and his grandma. She happened to go with us on the photo shoot. We ended up getting some fabulous pictures of her and Brayden. He loves his grandma.

I love this picture of my two favorite men. Sean is an awesome daddy as well as husband. Brayden and I are very lucky.

We love this little man!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sun....Warm....and Love

This past weekend Brayden and I went to Florida to see family. My Nana has been either in the hospital or a nursing home for the last month. She asked us to come see her, so if Nana asks you go. Uncle Charles and Aunt Jeannie were excited we were coming as well. We had so much fun with our family. Brayden is loved by so many wonderful people. As parents it is amazing to see how our son can make a difference. When we arrived Florida, we were met by Nana, Uncle Charles, Aunt Jeannie, and Grandma with smiles on their faces from ear to ear.

After Brayden got out of the bath, we took a picture with Nana. The picture turned out great. Brayden was great medicine for Nana.

Nana's hair dresser brought over some toys for Brayden to play with while we were in Florida. Uncle Charles is pushing Brayden in the grocery cart. Brayden is Uncle Charles's little buddy.

Aunt Jeannie and Nana had a garage sale while we were there. Grandma is working the garage sale. Brayden given Grandma some lovin.

Wherever there was Uncle Charles there was Brayden!

Brayden enjoyed pushing Nana's walker around. Here he was playing with the wheels on it. The past 2 weeks Brayden has been really into cars .

Aunt Jeannie pushing Brayden around in the car!
We had so much fun in Florida. The weather was beautiful. It was wonderful spending time with family. Brayden was so good in the car on the way down there and the way back home. I was so proud of him. He is truly one amazing boy! We love him dearly!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Say Cheese!

Last week was my spring break. Brayden and I decided to hit the road. We went to visit family in Virginia. On Monday Grandpa took off work, so we all decided to go to Chuck E Cheese. Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Tyler, Mommy and Brayden went. We had a lot of fun.

Brayden decided to take a ride with Chuck E Cheese. I couldn't get him to look at the camera because the car had buttons. He was fascinated by them, and when you hit each one they played a different song.

Brayden played his first game where he had to pop the balls into the buckets. He even won some tickets.

This was Brayden's favorite game. It was Deal or No Deal! He loved hitting all the buttons. We are working on getting him to say No Deal!

They had a toddler area. Brayden and Grandma are playing peek a boo through the bus cut out. He thought it was awesome.

Brayden loves pizza. We use to cut it up, and then one day Ms. Shannon gave him a piece that was not cut up. Ever since then Brayden had to have the pizza whole. We just cut a piece into two smaller pieces. He is doing great with it especially now that he is getting more teeth. (YEAH!!)

Before we left they had a helicopter. We put Brayden in it, and this is the picture we got. Is he just a cutie! We love him dearly! He is a great kid!
We hope you are all doing well! We love you all!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Fling

This past Saturday was our church spring fling. We had a fabulous time and are grateful for the hard work that went into it. Last year all Brayden could do was sit in the grass. Not this year...he was everywhere on the swing set, up and down hill, and hunting easter eggs. He is turning into a little boy right before our eyes. Be sure to check out the video at the bottom!

Brayden loved running down the hill and falling on the ground. He thought it was just the funniest thing while mommy was nervous every time.
Bradyen loved running down this hill. I think we spent a good 20 minutes running u and down the hill. It is the little things that entertain us.
Brayden and I had worked Saturday morning prior to the spring fling on how to hunt Easter eggs. Here is Brayden putting his mad skills to work. He did such a great job. He found 10 eggs plus he even wanted to carry his basket. It is amazing how quickly they grow up. It happen so fast.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Snow!

Our first family picture in the snow, which was very easy with daddy's new camera that he got for christmas!

Brayden' s first time walking in the snow! We were lucky one of our friends gave Brayden snow boots in a bag of clothes. It was neat to watch him.

We got our first snow of the year! It was maybe an inch, but we think it was awesome. Here is Brayden enjoying crawling in the snow until he lost his glove. Then his hand hit the snow, and he was done with the snow!

We love you all,
Sean, Tia, and Brayden