Saturday, June 27, 2009

9 months old

Well it is hard to believe but our little boy is nine months old. The times has flown by so quickly, but it has been so much fun. He is such a terrific boy. I feel Sean and I are truly blessed by God for our son. Brayden is 21 lbs, 29 1/2 inches long, and his head is 18 1/2 inches. He has the Coffee head like his daddy =o) He is fixing to get his 2nd tooth! YEAH!! When Brayden was born, he had a bump on his head. On Brayden's first doctors appointment we asked about it. They said it was just a lymph node and it would go away. Well 9 months later it is still there. Dr. Patal looked at it again. He thinks it might be something different. So he going to refer us to a pediatric surgeon to have Brayden evaluated. I'll be honest I am a little nervous. However we will keep you posted. I hope everyone has a happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hey you guys,
Brayden you are getting so big and so darn cute. Tia your dad emailed me your blog, it is wonderful, I really enjoyed looking at it. I am so happy for you and Sean. Love you all and sending bunches of hugs and kisses. Aunt Stephanie